The annual holiday office party is always a great opportunity to top off a successful year with the colleagues and coworkers. Celebrating the end of the year with the people you work with a long period of time always seems like a great idea. Everyone like to have fun. But let’s face the reality, the next day after the party, when all the revelers sober up, the truth is that your office has been trashed and now there is a lot of work need to be done. No one wants to spend the whole day on cleaning. Especially if it’s a day after the party and the hangover is knocking at the door. Here are some useful tips on how to clean it all up easily and quickly.
To omit a disaster after the party, you can prepare for it beforehand. You and your coworkers can keep a cleanup kit on hand to make stressful and disastrous mishaps easy fixes. It’s very convenient when in the office there are some basics such as cleansers, spray bottles, microfiber clothes, towels and other stuff. When the first tray of food or glass of wine is spilled you are already ready to act. Preparing in advance is the best defense for a trashed office.
Make sure you have the proper receptacles to gather all the trash. Have trash bads and recycling bins to use when needed. Be careful with the items that may cause leaks and stains. Want to save your time? Buy the disposable stuff and use it instead of regular dishes and silverware. You will be able to recycle this stuff and don’t spend a huge amount of time scrubbing the dishes. One more tip – encourage your coworkers to recycle all of their cans, cups, bottles and plastic utensils. This will save up a lot of time too.
Taking into account all small details will help you prepare for the cleanup and also reduce the amount of work. When you have a big cleanup job be prepared to buy quality stain removers and other cleaning products as you will definitely have to tackle spills and stains. You may even invest in purchasing a vacuum and other cleaning equipment. It is very convenient to keep such equipment at the office and skimp on cleaning services, for example.
And don’t forget to delegate the tasks to your office coworkers. You will find it difficult to delegate these task during the party or afterwards. That’s why it’s better to create some chart or list of tasks before the party so everyone can get involved. This will also help to keep people careful during the party. The party should be a fun event. But when something happens, make sure you are equipped enough to make a quick and easy cleanup. Hope these tips will help you.