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Cleaning CompanyProfessional cleaning services has become more and more popular within the recent years among banks, factories, schools, restaurants, stores and warehouses. Professional companies perform cleaning of various areas – from tiny apartments or simply carpet cleaning, to cleaning the facades of huge shopping centers or deep cleaning at the restaurant or factory premises.

Inviting the cleaning specialists, we want to get quality services for a reasonable price. To ensure that the expectations are 100% met, you need to know what to look for when choosing a cleaning company and what problems can be hidden behind surprisingly low prices.

Qualification Criteria
What needs to be considered when choosing a company, so as not to waste your money and time? Let’s try to enumerate the main points from which to start.

Presentability Factor
Nowadays cleaning services are offered by many companies. Pay attention first of all to those who have their own office (clean office!), beautifully designed and well-filled web-site, a significant period of work in the market of services.
A well-proven company will always take care of its image and reputation!

Even now, at the modern age of technologies, valuable and worthwhile experts are “passed from hand to hand”, by sharing contacts with friends and relatives. To learn the impressions of a friend about the work of a particular company is always valuable, because he certainly will not deceive!
If this is not possible – read the reviews on the level of services provided on the company’s website.

Do not hesitate to clarify with the manager, with the help of what equipment is cleaning performed: household vacuum cleaners are out of place here! Find out which cleaning agents and detergents are used and of which manufacturers, and whether there are certificates on them. A solid company usually buys products from the same suppliers, and uses 2-3 proven brands of “chemical agents”.

In a good company, all employees undergo compulsory training: the more extensive is their professional knowledge, the better result will be obtained by the client. At work, cleaners should be given special clothing, all necessary equipment and cleaning agents for various surfaces.

Variety of services
The large company offers a wide range of services – from the daily cleaning to deep cleaning, from dry cleaning to washing facades with the use of industrial climbers, from maintenance of the adjacent territory to cleaning roofs from snow and its subsequent removal. Of course, it is much more profitable to entrust all the necessary work to one company than to several different services.

Prices for the services
From the available offers choose the average cost of services. The understated price should alert you (but not in case when it comes to discounts!), unreasonably high price is often not justified and gets driven up for the brand. Find out how pricing is done, what bonuses are received by a regular customer.

Stages of a cleaning company selection

Step 1. Chose several companies working in your city, focusing on prices, reviews and its reputation. Call the managers asking for an estimate of the costs for the necessary services. Please note that prices vary depending on the size of the room, the level of its pollution and the amount of work ahead!

Step 2. Settle upon 1 or 2 companies interesting for you and arrange a meeting with a specialist – he/she will assess the state of your house or office, recommend the most appropriate type of cleaning and make an estimate. Be sure to find out whether the removal of garbage is performed outside of the territory (especially important for large office buildings, after repairs in an apartment or a country house).

Step 3. If everything suits you, conclude a contract with the cleaning company. Make sure that it contains a paragraph on compensation for damage caused by employees during the cleaning process or because of their lack of professionalism when choosing cleaning products!

Step 4. Assess the appearance and behavior of the workers who arrived, their provision with inventory and cleaning agents. When accepting the performed work, pay attention to the cleanliness of hard-to-reach places and the quality of delicate surfaces cleaning.

When choosing a cleaning company, consider a number of requirements that are important for you. The concept of cleanliness for each person is different, and the cleaning company must have the highest requirements in the first place to their employees and the quality of their work.
The successful choice of a cleaning company is, first of all, a guarantee of cleanliness and safety of your property. Use the knowledge obtained from this article not to waste your money and not to be disappointed in your decision!

The Importance of Keeping a School Clean

On September 20, 2017, in Public cleaning, by admin


school cleaningEvery year the doors of thousands educational institutions open their doors for millions of school kids and students all over the country. A lot of people come there: teachers, pupils, visitors, and the heads of educational institutions are facing the question of how to preserve cleanliness, ensure a healthy environment and safety for everybody.

Our cleaning service experts offer a few tips that will help to rationally organize the cleaning and ensure the maintaining of cleanliness in the school premises.
If the cleaning of premises is made without a precise plan, it takes more time and does not guarantee an excellent result, thus at the very beginning of the school year, a comprehensive cleaning plan should be made. In this plan it is necessary to determine daily, weekly and monthly tasks and arrange the routes according to which the cleaning will be performed. It is better to clean up from the upper floors to the lower ones, paying special attention to the sanitary accommodations. The staff should be instructed to check whether all planned work is completed before they begin the next cleaning phase.

• Quick floor cleaning

Children are quite restless and active, so the breaks between the classes they use not only to eat, but also to actively move. The staff in charge of cleaning should remove the remains of fruit and traces of spilled drinks from the floor in a timely manner. This will not only ensure the maintaining the cleanliness in the room, but will also help to avoid falls and injuries on the slippery floor.

• Do not forget about the important point

In school premises there are many surfaces on which dirt accumulates and many germs can multiply. Therefore, during cleaning, the walls, door handles, window sills, cabinet surfaces, stair rails, toilets should be thoroughly cleaned. In addition, it shouldn’t be forgotten to remove dust and dirt behind doors, under tables, in corners and on surfaces above eye level, for example, on rack shelves or on the surface of light fixtures.

To make the tools and equipment service as long as possible, they should be kept clean. Cloths, rags and mops should be kept squeezed out, but if they do not dry quickly, they can be kept in a bucket of clean water. This will help get rid of unpleasant odors and will prevent the spread of fungi. To avoid the spread of germs and cross-contamination of premises, always work with clean tools: mops, rags and other tools. Do not use the same equipment to clean classrooms, corridors and toilets. Immediately replace contaminated mops and cloths.

• Ask for help from teachers and pupils

Teachers and pupils can help the cleaning staff by following a few simple rules: do not clutter the premises to be cleaned, restrict meals in the classrooms, do not stick chewing gum under tables and under chairs, do not draw on tables, chairs and other furniture.

Supermarkets / Retail Stores Cleaning

On August 16, 2017, in Public cleaning, by admin

cleanness-in-storeA supermarket is, first of all, a huge store of products. It is from the shelves and counters of supermarkets and hypermarkets that food gets to the tables and into the consumers’ refrigerators. What a “food house” should look like, so that, for example, a mother was not afraid to buy fruits in it for her kids?

The main condition is of course cleanliness. The confidence of buyers is easy to win, if everything, what they will touch in a store, will be clean and tidy, especially it regards the shelves, as well as surfaces where the food products are placed. Cleanliness and hygiene must be maintained in a supermarket, the surfaces are simply obliged to sparkle: there should be no extraneous smells, mold, insects.

It is quite difficult to maintain a big premise, which is visited by an uninterrupted stream of people, clean on your own account. To do this, it is necessary to have a full-fledged cleaning service, which will work practically 24 hours a day. However, in this case, it is necessary to recruit employees, whose work should be organized in 3 shifts! And there is a big question of staff turnover and replacement of employees: one can feel ill, one didn’t come to work, and so on. At the same time questions of purchase and proper storage of detergents are added, as well as many other issues, the result of which will be cleanliness in a store. All these nuances are professionally and quickly decided by a specialized cleaning company.

During the day, several employees or a dozen of employees (depending on the size of a store) should be constantly cleaning the premise, as people, coming in from the street, bring dirt and dust on their shoes. Therefore, floors need to be cleaned several times a day.

In addition, you need to consider weather conditions: in snow or rainy weather, cleaning should be more intensive and frequent. Also, in case of unforeseen situations (visitors or employees of the trading floor have broken or scattered something, the promotion has ended and it is necessary to sweep up/wash the floor, etc.), an “on-hand” cleaner is needed, who will promptly collect garbage and wash the contaminated surfaces.

It is unlikely that customers will like the dust on the shelves or the remnants of some products, so every day you need to wipe the surfaces of all the display windows and counters. In addition, all glass and metal surfaces should be polished regularly. Particular attention should be given to the entrance: doors, rugs and steps near the entrance must be clean and safe; a regular replacement of dirt-absorbing carpets at the entrance should be done.

In addition to those premises that are accessible to visitors of the store or shopping center, warehouse, production and technical premises should also be kept clean at the highest level. Therefore, the cleaning should also be done there.

But daily surface cleaning is not enough. It is necessary to carry out a high-quality deep cleaning that will help to prevent odors on the packaging of goods in the warehouse, which will include washing the kitchen, taking care of removing pests and rodents in time, ventilating the premise, washing the ventilation grilles, etc. The recommended frequency of deep cleaning is once per week. During this time, it is possible to eliminate contaminations, sources of goods’ spoilage and foreign odors, in order to ensure the permanent presentable appearance of goods on the shelves. Most common the cleaning in stores and supermarkets is carried out at night, when the store does not work or the number of visitors is minimal.

It is quite important to systematically clean out the trading floors: clean all floor coverings, perform disinfection, remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, wash windows and walls. Deep cleaning, held with a clear periodicity, will not only help to keep the premises and trade halls clean, but will also postpone the time for carrying out repair works, since the surfaces contained in the cleanliness serve much longer and require repair and replacement much less often.

Another type of cleaning services are one-time works, which are usually held at the beginning of the season, or as needed:
- high-altitude work and industrial mountaineering;
- dry cleaning of carpets and linoleum;
- washing of windows, front faces and display windows;
- disinfection, deratization, etc.

In case if the store as just going to be opened, another type of cleaning service, required for the supermarket, is a post-construction cleaning. Post-construction cleaning in a supermarket allows you to bring the walls, windows, ceilings, floors and surfaces of commercial equipment in absolute order, so that there are no traces of building materials and specific smells.

It is at the opening stage of the store that it is important to calculate the need for daily cleaning and deep cleaning, selecting the appropriate cleaning company as a contractor. This will allow you to focus on direct business management, rather than the issues of dirty windows or floors.

office-cleaningWhy are the cleaning companies, whose work on the market of cleaning services is ten years or more, are preferable to the “newcomers”?

Throughout the years of their work they create a team of specialists, acquire the priceless experience, and most importantly – they gain reputation.

Such a cleaning company knows, and which is most importantly – follows the accepted norms and standards for cleaning at sites that have different specifics – factories, offices, living quarters and stores.

Very often such companies have a supply department that buys cleaning accessories, equipment and cleaning chemicals directly from the manufacturer, which is a huge advantage. Thus, consumables are obtained with a minimum mark-up and cleaning costs, respectively, are also reduced. While those who purchase goods through intermediaries put a much higher price tag to their cleaning services.

Qualified managers in the shortest possible time can calculate the cost of cleaning because they know how many cleaners, floor washing machines, brooms, cleaning agents and even toilet paper in the bathrooms it is necessary to estimate for each object.

A thought may appear, that such companies from the beginning of their existence apply the same cleaning methods. But of course it’s not true; there are classical cleaning technologies that are always effective and relevant.

However, the success of  ”long-playing” cleaning companies is a constant increase of  the skill- level of their cleaners, the application in practice of various market innovations combined with competent personnel management.

With many years of successful practice in this field, Pro Quality Office Cleaning Company can offer you affordable prices and excellent cleaning quality, performed by trained skilled professionals.

home-scents-for-officeComfort and coziness of an office does not begin with modern furniture and decor elements. A positive first impression, feeling of well-being and good mood are created by air freshness and delicate aroma.

You can ensure the freshness in the room by wet cleaning and open windows, but this is in case your office is not located in the city center, where the air is full of carbon monoxide. When the weather outside is oppressively hot, frosty or just bad, artificial air fresheners come to help. But, unfortunately, most of them have a synthetic basis, which does not have a beneficial effect on our health, and their use in the premise with small children in it is completely undesirable.

It is possible to replace industrial fresheners for the premises with natural air fresheners, which you can do with your own hands. This article presents various ways that will help you to give the office a pleasant aroma and freshness without any risk to health.

“Citrus” freshener

Take the peels of citrus fruits (orange, lemon, tangerine, etc.) and cover them with alcohol. Let the peels sit in alcohol for some time and then dilute with a little water and use a spray gun to spray the resulting liquid around the room. This freshener will remove an unpleasant smell, moisten the air, and essential oils of citrus fruits will give you energy and a good mood.

“On-the-spot” freshener

If your office is lucky to have a kitchen part in it, there is one more method which can be helpful for an urgent and quick elimination of unpleasant smell. Use coffee beans, cinnamon sticks and dry peels of orange or lemon. Put them on a hot (but not burning!) stove burner. Under the influence of heat, they will give off a pleasant aroma and absorb foreign odors.

“Aroma of petals”

Use the fallen petals of fragrant flowers, for example, roses, peony, lilac, jasmine and others, to create a flower air freshener. For this method, you will need an ordinary salt of medium-fine grinding, petals and 50 g of alcohol. Into a dry jar with a volume of approximately 0.5 liters, put the petals of flowers and salt. Fill the jar with alcohol up to about 2 fingers below the neck and tightly close the lid. Then you need to put the jar in a dark place for two weeks, periodically shaking it.
In two weeks, the home-made freshener will be ready. For an aesthetic look, place it in a beautiful vase or a glass and enjoy the aroma. To give some spicy notes, add a few twigs of smelling herbs, such as basil or mint.

“Gelatin” freshener

This freshener can become a part of the office decor, giving it a pleasant aroma. You will need 30 g of gelatin and 10-15 drops of essential oil to your taste. Dissolve gelatin in 1 glass of water and add oil. To avoid rapid drying, add 1 tsp. of glycerol. Adding food coloring or flower petals to gelatin, you will get a fragrant stylish decoration of the room.

Fragrant wooden cubes

Wooden blocks, impregnated with essential oil, will become the original decoration of the room. Take your favorite essential oil, pour it into a small container and apply it to the cubes with a brush. Next, place the cubes in a closed container and leave overnight. In the morning you can use them.

Aroma sticks

Pour essential oil into a jar and add some baby oil. Give the resulting mixture a day to sit in a dark place. Then put the bamboo sticks into it, turn them upside-down in an hour and enjoy the aroma.

organizing-working-tableWorkplace is a personal “control center”. Your personal efficiency depends on how rationally and well-minded it is organized. We’ll show you how to clean-up a mess on the working table and to become much more efficient.
Nowadays there is a profession called “professional organizer”. This person helps clients to clean up rooms and offices, papers and electronic files, as well as to create an individual planning system.

Studies show that in average a person loses at least an hour per day only because of disorganization. And people get terribly annoyed when they cannot find something. After all organizing and order establishment take much less time. That is why experts recommend organizing the workspace to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Recommendation 1. Arrange everything correctly

The placement of your monitor is important not only for your efficiency but for your health as well. It should be located at the level of your eyes, and the distance between the eyes and monitor should be approximately 18-22 inches.
Place the items you use more frequently (your telephone, stationery, etc.), at the side of your dominant hand. You’ll see how convenient it is: there will be make a long arm for them, knocking down everything around.

Recommendation 2. Rational use of stationery

You scarcely need every day the whole abundance of the stationery which can be found at hand on the table. Put on the table only those office supplies that you use every day. Others put in a box or a pencil case and keep it in a drawer, but rather somewhere away. Because getting up and walking from your table to get a pen, pencil or anything else, for some time you’re turning the brain off from the project you’re working on. This will allow you see it from a new perspective, when you come back. Some experts emphasize that it is more convenient when workers store office stationery supplies in a separate place (for example, in a common cabinet or on a rack), instead of placing them in their drawers.

Recommendation 3. Use the stickers for notes without fanaticism

Monitor pasted by numerous colored papers as a message board is neither useful nor productive. When there are too many such reminding prompts they become useless.
Be restrained – the reminders on stickers should be really important and preferably short-term.

Recommendation 4. Be reasonable with the personal items

It is significant to keep balance between professional working environment and personal life on the workplace. And it’s not easy.
Family photos, vacation souvenirs, and other pleasant trifles can warm your heart and cheer you up during the day. Nevertheless, the item which are too precious for you and may cause a whirl of memories, are too distracting. Because even if we do not notice and realize this, when our sight slides on the subjects, the brain works on the information. Specialists recommend keeping on the table not more than 3 personal things.

Recommendation 5. Regulate your “communication” with e-mail

Even nowadays email remains the most often used and convenient communication method in the Internet. But it can take a heavy toll on efficiency if you will constantly be diverted by emails.
Professional planners/organizers highly recommend checking the e-mail several times a day, at precise times. The remaining time should be devoted to working only. And don’t forget to turn off the e-mail notification on your desktop, so that it won’t destroy your “working mood”.

Recommendation 6. Leave some free space on the table for any paperwork needed

At times your working table is so overloaded that no place can be found to sign a paper or to create a hand-written document.
Try always to keep on your table an “island” free of items (the side where it will be located depends on your dominant hand). It shouldn’t necessarily be big, a space of 10 × 15 inches will be quite enough.

Recommendation 7. Arrange work processes

The documents which have nothing to do with your current work should not be kept ready at hand. If your table is heavily littered with various papers on the projects you’ve done in the past, you are doing now and with drafts of your coming projects, be sure chaos will set in. The recommendation of experts in this case is to sort the papers by folders:
-important and urgent;
-urgent and unimportant;
- important and not urgent;
- unimportant and not urgent.
Use special organizers for the folders and do not pile them, this will make the workflow easier.

Recommendation 8. Clean up as frequently as possible

The mess helped Alexander Fleming and Alan Turing to perpetuate their talent. But such illustrations are single. For the majority of people a mess has a negative effect, it decreases concentration and efficiency. You should regularly ask yourself a question: are all the items located in their place on your working table?
To clean up the table at the end of the working day takes 5-10 minutes, and the next day you’ll be able to start organized and without any distraction.

42-cleaning-tips-restaurantToday, professional cleaning in catering establishments has become not a luxury, but a real production necessity. Cleanliness of the premises is directly linked to the health of people who visit the restaurants, cafes, bars, and therefore the requirements of regulatory health authorities as to production and storage facilities are very high.

Hot Line / Food Preparation area

Cleaning of this space is the most time- and labor-consuming. Deep cleaning of the hot line is conducted mainly at night-time. At the initial stage of cleaning the filters are removed from the hoods and put into the degreasing solution, and all cutting boards which were in use are placed in a protein concentrate, the windows are washed. Next comes the turn of the walls; they are washed with a solution of a bactericidal alkaline detergent that is removes grease and oil very well from any solid surface.
Then the numerous kitchen appliances should be cleaned. The specifics of this type of work are that the cleaners often have to deal with the grease on the walls of the oven. For this purpose there are special cleaning agents in a form of concentrated gel, which has a strongly alkaline medium. The agent is applied to the walls of ovens and cooking tops, and after a while carbon deposits dissolve and can be easily washed off even with a sponge.
The next step is to clean refrigerator / freezer, previously removing products from it, then shelving, cabinets and work tables. For their cleaning the same cleaning agents can be applied as for the cleaning of walls.
A separate phase of deep cleaning is a power cutoff and the purification of all electric motors of the equipment from grease, oil and dust.
In conclusion, the floor is cleaned. First, all the focus is on ramps, draining. The degreasing chemical is poured in them, that dissolve all the grease deposited on the pipes, and at the end of the shift the enzymes friendly substance must be poured. It is composed of bacteria that decompose grease and at the same time eliminate the bad smell.
Next, the floors are washed by the floor scrubber using a universal kitchen cleaning detergent.
Regular daily cleaning of hot lines / food preparation areas is not so time-consuming. It includes cleaning of the equipment, working surfaces and floors.

Cold kitchen / Storage / Bakery

In the cold kitchen the main problem is associated with the juice from fruits and vegetables. But during daily cleaning using universal cleaning products for kitchens there should not be any difficulties in removing these stains. If the rules of food storage are observed, the warehouses can be cleaned only once a month. And the bakery available at the territory of a restaurant is equated by the complexity of cleaning to the hot line.

Dishwashing area

In addition to the basic steps of cleaning the dishwashing department, do not forget about the main functional purpose of these premises, in accordance with which it is equipped with a large stainless sink and dishwasher. Sink is designed for soaking and washing of kettles, grilles and other large cookware. To wash such cookware the detergents are used which have a neutral reaction and are absolutely safe for hands and do not require rinsing.
All other glassware used by restaurants is cleaned in the dishwasher, for which there are specialized detergents. They consist of a cleaning agent removing the main contaminations and rinse aid, which prevents the formation of streaks and reduces drying time of glassware. Thus, the dishwashing process is fully automated. We should not forget about the maintenance of the dishwasher itself. The main problem here is the high concentration of salts in tap water. Therefore, periodically run dishwashers idle, using special agent, cleaning their parts from limescale.

Equipment and inventory

To the large equipment used in cleaning refers the floor scrubber (floor washing machine). It has a big round brush, with the help of which it removes grease from the floor surface. Less bulky and more affordable is the cleaning inventory. This can be a bucket with reinforced back for removing water from the mop.

As you can see, the deep cleaning of the kitchen is a time- and labor-consuming process. The best and easiest way to get your kitchen sparkle is to entrust the cleaning to professionals like Pro Quality Office Cleaning Company. Our staff will do all the needed cleaning quickly and meticulously, without missing any, even smallest, spot. All you need is just to contact us!

87-morning-or-evening-cleaningOffice premises are the main place of any company at which the workers and employees spend most of their working time. In these premises in addition to the staff there are a lot of visitors, business partners, which entails additional pollution. For proper organization of the personnel’s productive work, company administration should take care of timely high quality cleaning of the premises. For the office to make a favorable impression on visitors and partners, to be comfortable and cozy, the question remains of daily cleaning.

Some business owners include the cleaners into the staff team, so that they could clean the office up. However, as practice shows, such action is not always expedient. These employees typically have the same working schedule as everyone, so cleaning is carried out during working hours of the whole office staff that interferes and sometimes even stops the production process of the entire office.

To perform cleaning works, the administration should take care of providing the cleaners with high-quality cleaning equipment, protective clothing, and various detergents. These efforts deliver too much trouble, waste time and money for the organization of the cleaning process. To avoid such troubles, you should contact a specialized company that provides professional cleaning services for offices.

First of all, you need to decide on the time of cleaning. Many people like it better when the morning cleaning of offices is held and by the beginning of the working day the office is shining with cleanness and smells fresh. The office team works in a comfortable environment, nothing distracts from the production process.

Evening cleaning of offices is carried out by experts of a cleaning company after the end of the working day, when the premises are already vacated by employees and visitors. All rubbish, dirt and dust that has accumulated over the business day, are removed by means of special agents and equipment. To carry out cleaning works high-quality detergents and cleaning agents are used, which ensure the provision of crystal cleanliness.

Taking care about health and welfare of the office staff, about their comfort, the ecologically-friendly means are used during cleaning. Having sufficient experience in the use of various detergents, cleaning company chooses quality materials with low price. This approach reduces the cost of cleaning works, which significantly saves the customer’s budget.

If the working peculiarity of an office is a work activity during the evening time, the morning is more preferable. In this schedule, the employees usually start working day not very early, which makes it possible to conduct high-quality cleaning activities in the early morning. After such cleaning office meets its employees, customers and visitors with purity and freshness.

For companies, whose working day begins in early morning, evening cleaning of the office is optimal. Workers of the cleaning companies are ready during the evening time to restore the order and prepare the office for the early working morning of the next day. No household trifles will distract the company staff from carrying out their job assignments.

For the successful solution of office problems and achievement of success in business, you must completely devote yourself to production process, without being distracted by such things as office cleaning. Trusting the cleaning in the office to professionals you will reach the productive heights.


On October 7, 2016, in Cleaning Facts, Office area, by admin

95-dirtiest-place-in-officeAll people are different and are respectively afraid of different things. For example, now many people are afraid of the economic crisis. They are afraid of losing their jobs, bank deposits, they are afraid just of tomorrow. Meanwhile, each of us is surrounded by things far more fearful than the loss of a job!

American scientist Charles Gerba considers that the usual office equipment, such as a telephone, a keyboard or a mouse, is a serious threat to human health. According to the results of his research, some workplaces are a hundred times dirtier than public toilets.

For example: a mouse which has not been cleaned for several weeks, contains about 1,676 microbes per square inch, and the keyboard – 3300 microbes based on the same area.

The dirtiest place in the office is the phone. Due to regular calls, conversations with colleagues, visitors and customers there are approximately 25,127 microorganisms on one square inch of the phone buttons.

On average, the usual office is home for about 21,000 microbes per square inch. Toilets in the same offices are 400 times cleaner – there are only up to 50 microbes per square inch there.

Microbiologists investigated the different surfaces of three thousands different working places and determined which office space represents the greatest danger to the health of employees. Here are some figures for comparison:

● phone – 25 127;
● desktop surface – 20,961;
● keyboard – 3295;
● mouse – 1676;
● toilet seat – 49.

The scientist reminds that microorganisms carrying the viral infections, such as influenza, can live on different office surfaces for 3 days. Moreover spilled coffee, crumbs, dirty mugs on the table are a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of microbes.

Only regular disinfection can solve the problem. Wipe the phone and keypad with alcohol. This simple procedure destroys 99% of germs.

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On July 6, 2016, in Cleaning advice, by admin

94-ceiling-cleaningDust on the ceiling is quite common, because we usually do not clear the ceiling during cleaning. As a result, the tiny dirt and dust particles are deposited on the surface of the ceiling, and it looks dull and gray. In premises with high humidity and in the kitchen steam and smoke also settle on the ceiling.

Employees of our cleaning company will professionally and efficiently perform cleaning of your ceiling from dust and dirt. If you want to do it yourself, you may use pieces of advice given by our experts.

Dry cleaning method is the best one to clean the dust from the ceiling.

Purchase a long-handled brush with soft hair and use it merely for cleaning dust from the ceiling. This brush is convenient for removing cobwebs; it collects and retains fine dust and dirt without smearing it over the surface. It is extremely difficult to damage the ceiling surface while cleaning with such a brush.

To remove dust from the ceiling, a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush-tip may be used. To avoid scratching the ceiling, the tip of the vacuum cleaner must be kept at a small distance from the ceiling surface.

If the ceiling is particularly dirty, it is necessary to clean it manually. This requires a ladder or a sturdy table. The choice of cleaning method depends on the ceiling surface.

Emulsion paint 

Emulsion paint is the most common finishing coat of the ceiling in our homes. This coating does not tolerate wet cleaning; water contact with such water-based paint can cause stains and blotchiness. Therefore, the dry cleaning will suit better for such ceiling.
Small contamination can be cleaned from the ceiling surface with special wipes. Before using them, check the effectiveness of their impact on the paint at an inconspicuous place.

Oil paint 

Taking care of ceilings covered with oil or latex paint is much easier. All-purpose detergent can be used to remove contaminants from such a ceiling. Dissolve it in water and wipe the ceiling with a sponge or a cloth soaked in this solution. In order not to leave any water stains or blotches on the ceiling, thoroughly wipe it with a clean dry cloth.

Polystyrene tiles 

Ceiling tile lined with polystyrene tiles with protective film on them can be cleaned with a damp sponge or cloth. If there is no protective film, only dry cleaning is recommended.

Stretch ceilings 

While cleaning the stretch ceilings you should be very careful not to damage the surface. They can be washed with lukewarm water with using some specialized detergent. To clean the surface use a spray bottle, a soft damp cloth or if you like it more – microfiber cloth. Excess moisture should be removed from the surface in the direction of the welding joint. The cleaned surface must be carefully wiped with a dry cloth.

Important! When cleaning the stretch ceilings do not use hard brushes or abrasive detergents.