The right scent can make your office more productive, efficient or calm; it may also add extra energy.
Here are several easy tips how to make your office to smell like home.
The easiest DIY home scent is lavender water.
You need to mix two cups of distilled water with two tablespoons of vodka and half of a teaspoon of lavender oil. Pour this mixture in a spray bottle and use it whenever you want.
This scent is considered to be very calming.
Stovetop potpourri is also considered to be one of the easiest ways of creating a scent. Just combine all the scents that you like in a saucepan, add a little bit of water and let this mixture to simmer.
Great are potpourris made of oranges, lemons or limes with addition of pineapple juice.
If you think about holiday potpourri then oranges, cinnamon sticks, vanilla and nutmeg will work greatly.
Here is another variation of potpourri when you prepare it in a slow cooker. You will need to fill it more than halfway and add essential oil that you like. You may also add citrus, vanilla, or nutmeg. Let the mixture simmer as long as you want.
Citrus spray is another good variant for the office.
You need to mix 3 tablespoons of distilled water, three tablespoons of vodka and essential oils that you love.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it whenever is needed.
And the last, but very easy way of adding a pleasant odor to your office is a coffee dish. Put coffee beans on a plate and enjoy the smell of fresh coffee in your office.