Experts say that offices tend to have much more germs than other territories. What are the dirtiest things at the office? The answer is easy…the phone, computer and your desk. Scientists say that there are 400 times more bacteria on your desk than on an average toilet seat.
So, do we need a hand sanitizer at work?
YES, we need it.
Hand sanitizer at work will help you to get rid of bacteria, but you also need to remember that you need to wash your hands as often as possible and disinfect your workplace, telephone and computer with special disinfecting wipes.
It is recommended to keep a bottle with hand sanitizer on your desk.
Also place several bottles in public areas, kitchen (if you have one) and in a break room. If there is a special phone or other equipment in your office that is used by many people, place hand sanitizers near them too.
It is not recommended placing hand sanitizer in the restroom, because employees may substitute washing hands by using sanitizer. You need to remember that some bacteria cannot be killed by hand sanitizer that is why it is highly recommended washing the hands as often as possible, especially when the flue season starts.
Be healthy and take care!