If your office is a total mess, don’t worry! You are not the only one dealing with clutter. We also should mention that there is no exact answer to the question “How messy is too messy of an office?” Everyone perceives cleanliness differently.
Many of employees say that their offices are fairly messy, mainly because they’re small and there is limited storage or work area. But is it a true reason? Even if clients or superiors don’t visit your office frequently, you as an employee, should keep your office space orderly and neat. Here’s how to get it under control.
During the day your desk can get a little messy. But try to keep it under control to make it possible to find anything in a few minutes. Tidy your desk at the end of the day and sometimes before you start working on a new task or project.
Everything should have its place in office. If your desk stores piles of documents that you don’t need any longer – or haven’t accessed them in a while – then get them filed. Try not to leave anything on your desk. Confidential documents cannot be left lying around. You can use horizontal and vertical file organizers and other stuff to organize the mess aroung your desk. Of course, you can keep on your desk some knick knacks and personal stuff like pictures, business cards, pen cup, etc. but you should realize that the less things are there on your desk the more tidy it looks.
It’s not difficult to keep your office spotless clean. Spotless office doesn’t mean that there should be no pictures on the walls, no papers on the desk, etc. Everything simply should be stored in its place. A perfectly clean and tidy desk does not mean you’re doing a good job. Desk cleanliness generally doesn’t correlate to the level of work. You can do a pretty great job, despite a spotless desk. Many people associate messy desk with being very busy. But clean and well organized desk still shows that you are focused on what you do and want to get the best results.