organizing-working-tableWorkplace is a personal “control center”. Your personal efficiency depends on how rationally and well-minded it is organized. We’ll show you how to clean-up a mess on the working table and to become much more efficient.
Nowadays there is a profession called “professional organizer”. This person helps clients to clean up rooms and offices, papers and electronic files, as well as to create an individual planning system.

Studies show that in average a person loses at least an hour per day only because of disorganization. And people get terribly annoyed when they cannot find something. After all organizing and order establishment take much less time. That is why experts recommend organizing the workspace to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Recommendation 1. Arrange everything correctly

The placement of your monitor is important not only for your efficiency but for your health as well. It should be located at the level of your eyes, and the distance between the eyes and monitor should be approximately 18-22 inches.
Place the items you use more frequently (your telephone, stationery, etc.), at the side of your dominant hand. You’ll see how convenient it is: there will be make a long arm for them, knocking down everything around.

Recommendation 2. Rational use of stationery

You scarcely need every day the whole abundance of the stationery which can be found at hand on the table. Put on the table only those office supplies that you use every day. Others put in a box or a pencil case and keep it in a drawer, but rather somewhere away. Because getting up and walking from your table to get a pen, pencil or anything else, for some time you’re turning the brain off from the project you’re working on. This will allow you see it from a new perspective, when you come back. Some experts emphasize that it is more convenient when workers store office stationery supplies in a separate place (for example, in a common cabinet or on a rack), instead of placing them in their drawers.

Recommendation 3. Use the stickers for notes without fanaticism

Monitor pasted by numerous colored papers as a message board is neither useful nor productive. When there are too many such reminding prompts they become useless.
Be restrained – the reminders on stickers should be really important and preferably short-term.

Recommendation 4. Be reasonable with the personal items

It is significant to keep balance between professional working environment and personal life on the workplace. And it’s not easy.
Family photos, vacation souvenirs, and other pleasant trifles can warm your heart and cheer you up during the day. Nevertheless, the item which are too precious for you and may cause a whirl of memories, are too distracting. Because even if we do not notice and realize this, when our sight slides on the subjects, the brain works on the information. Specialists recommend keeping on the table not more than 3 personal things.

Recommendation 5. Regulate your “communication” with e-mail

Even nowadays email remains the most often used and convenient communication method in the Internet. But it can take a heavy toll on efficiency if you will constantly be diverted by emails.
Professional planners/organizers highly recommend checking the e-mail several times a day, at precise times. The remaining time should be devoted to working only. And don’t forget to turn off the e-mail notification on your desktop, so that it won’t destroy your “working mood”.

Recommendation 6. Leave some free space on the table for any paperwork needed

At times your working table is so overloaded that no place can be found to sign a paper or to create a hand-written document.
Try always to keep on your table an “island” free of items (the side where it will be located depends on your dominant hand). It shouldn’t necessarily be big, a space of 10 × 15 inches will be quite enough.

Recommendation 7. Arrange work processes

The documents which have nothing to do with your current work should not be kept ready at hand. If your table is heavily littered with various papers on the projects you’ve done in the past, you are doing now and with drafts of your coming projects, be sure chaos will set in. The recommendation of experts in this case is to sort the papers by folders:
-important and urgent;
-urgent and unimportant;
- important and not urgent;
- unimportant and not urgent.
Use special organizers for the folders and do not pile them, this will make the workflow easier.

Recommendation 8. Clean up as frequently as possible

The mess helped Alexander Fleming and Alan Turing to perpetuate their talent. But such illustrations are single. For the majority of people a mess has a negative effect, it decreases concentration and efficiency. You should regularly ask yourself a question: are all the items located in their place on your working table?
To clean up the table at the end of the working day takes 5-10 minutes, and the next day you’ll be able to start organized and without any distraction.

Admire your clean and organized office

On July 17, 2012, in Office area, by admin

If your office is so cluttered that you don’t know where to start when it comes to cleaning, don’t get upset. We know how to help you. First of all break down the tasks into small chunks. If you don’t want to feel overwhelmed take one chunk at a time.

Dispose of your rubbish thoughtfully. Throw away everything you don’t need anymore. Get rid of outdated information and duplicate copies. Shred any papers that contain personal information. Cut your paper pile by throwing unneeded papers away. Then, sort the remaining papers into piles. Establish a filing system. After you’ve finished sorting the papers, file each pile in the appropriate file folder. This will help you keep your office organised and de-cluttered.

Buy file folders that fit in your cabinet. Also, purchase labels for that folders. But be aware that filing your papers is only half the battle. To keep your office organized and clean you should dust and vacuum it on a regular basis. Of course not every room in your office needs to be cleaned and vacuumed everyday. But still you should keep every room clean and fresh. You can choose to hire a cleaning service to maintain your office organized and cleaned. To help the cleaning service do its job well, make sure all papers, pens and pencils are put away and all the rubbish has been thrown out.

Remember that if you want to keep your office clean, keep it organized. Before you leave at the end of the day, take the last 10 minutes to organise your desk. That way you will start the next day with a clean and fresh space.