What an interesting office cleaning idea to incite employees to keep their office clean and tidy at all times. Below we will provide you with few creative office cleaning tips on how to maintain the office tidy and clean without any significant inconvenience.
Keeping a workplace clean is important to any company whether it receives costumers at their business premises or not. Many companies hire professional office cleaning services to clean their offices while others prefer to divide the cleaning responsibilities between their employees. In this way employees are encouraged to keep their offices sparkling clean at all times.
The best place to start introducing cleanness is employee’s workstations and desks. Every employee should be responsible for its own work space; employees should strive to keep their desks uncluttered and speckless.
It’s recommended to not allow employees to eat at their workstations. Also, it’s nice to incite employees to wash their hands every time they return from a snack specially if they went out to eat.
Unfortunately the offices that allow employees to eat at their desks tend to turn their keyboards into bacteria’s hives. Also, it’s better not to allow your employees to store food in their workstation drawers and make sure they keep them tidy and clean as well. It would be good to provide files and folders so employees can store their paper work and avoid paper clutter on their desks.
If you hire an office cleaning company make sure their cleaning specialists disinfect keyboards and phones every time they come to clean your office. In addition, make sure they use appropriate cleaning solutions, because using the wrong products may lead to damaging electrical equipment.
Implement random audits and penalties for those employees who don’t keep their workplaces organised and clean. In this way you will incite your employees to maintain their workstations clean and tidy most of the time.