15-how-to-make-office-smellNowadays more and more offices want to go green. Our company also supports this idea, we use a great number of eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Today our experts want to share several tips on how to make your office smell great using natural scents.

First of all, let’s say that different smells have different effect on our body. A smell can relax, energize or trigger memory.

If you want to relax a little bit, or you want your client to be relaxed during the meetings, make special lavender water which is known for its relaxing abilities. In order to prepare lavender oil, take two cups of distilled water, two tablespoons of vodka and half of a tablespoon of lavender oil. Mix everything in a spray bottle. Now you may use it, spray it everywhere: on your carpet, chairs, and other surfaces.

Potpourri is a great way to make your office smell wonderfully. To prepare potpourri in a saucepan, combine two cups of water with your favorite scents. You may use fruit peels (apples, oranges, limes, grapefruits, lemons etc.) and spices (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.). Don’t forget to add water when it’s needed.

If you want your workers to feel more energized, prepare a special citrus room spray. Mix two tablespoons of distilled water with two tablespoons of vodka and add you favorite citrus essential oils. Keep in mind that this room spray can’t be used on fabrics.

If you want to remove unpleasant odor and at the same time fill the room with the pleasant one, we recommend using coffee beans. Just put some coffee beans in a beautiful cup or a dish and let it stand at your workplace. You will enjoy the most pleasant odor all day long.

Enjoy your new and natural smells in the office!