It is very important for every office to have a clean and bright workplace. But one person won’t be able to do it, it is a team work and a team effort.
First of all, all the employees should keep a kitchen clean. In our previous articles, we have already told about the rules that should be applied in a kitchen.
Employees should remember that they need not to forget to clean the dishes and cups, they need to wash them immediately. Also don’t forget to cover food with a paper towel or a splatter when they warm it up in a microwave oven.
Restroom is also an important room. It is important to remember to wipe all the marks that you have left. Flush twice, if it is really necessary. Don’t forget to wash your hands, and after washing them, use a paper towel to wipe away all the splashes on the mirror and on the counter.
A special attention should be paid to a conference room. If you brought in coffee cups or water to the meeting, check the table. It should be left clean. Sometimes it is better to ask a person to be in charge of the conference room and its’ cleanliness.
Floors in the office should be shiny and clean. Spills and dirt are easily seen on the floor and sometimes they can cause accidents. If you notice that you have left a trail of water on the floor, immediately wipe it away. Keep your floors clean and your colleagues from falling.