Every office is different, but usually it is very important to have rules in every of them. Especially, kitchen rules are very important.
Here are several tips and rules that will help to save peace in your office.
- Put your name on every product that is yours. If you brought food for everyone, write down that it is for everyone.
- Don’t even touch the food that is not yours.
- Wash the dishes and cups after every use.
- If you see that something is pilled, or you have spilled something, wipe it up as soon as possible.
- It is recommended to use a special cover for the microwave.
- You need to plan when and how often to clean a fridge.
- If you have noticed spoiled food in a fridge, throw it away.
- If you have drunk the last cup of coffee from a coffee pot, it is recommended making fresh coffee for others.
- Don’t bring lots of food to the office. The place in the fridge should be divided between the workers.
- If you add cups or dishes to the drying rank, you need to put those that are dry away. The best way to dry the dishes and cups immediately.
If all the workers follow these rules, the kitchen will be really clean and neat. Be sure that no one forgets the rules. It is recommended printing them and placing the list in the kitchen.