First of all, experts say that cleaning an office carpet doesn’t differ a lot from cleaning a carpet at home. Probably, the only difference is a greater number of people who walk on these carpets. Most companies invite professionals to do the job, but today our experts will share several steps on how to clean your office carpets.
Experts say that it is very important to vacuum your carpets every evening. This will help to keep you carpet clean. The main thing in this step is a vacuum cleaner. It should be strong enough to pull up piles of the carpet.
The next thing is cleaning of different spills that may happen during the day. The main thing here is a carpet shampoo. At first, you need to remove a stain, apply a carpet shampoo and then leave it for 15 minutes. Later you will need to extract extra liquid from the carpet. You may use usual paper towels.
Once a month experts recommend cleaning a carpet with a steam. Usually this procedure is performed before weekends, on Friday. Before using a steam cleaner, you will need to vacuum a carpet thoroughly. Sometimes it is recommended applying of a steam cleaner for several times.
Twice a year, we recommend cleaning office carpets using professional help with professional cleaners. More attention should be paid to your carpets in spring and autumn, when the roads are really dirty.