Color Therapy for Your Office

On August 19, 2014, in Office area, Organizing tips, by admin

57-color-therapyManagers of different companies try as hard as possible to increase the productivity level of their employees. They keep their office clean, have different kinds of time-management trainings for employees, etc. But very often easy actions can increase working efficiency and productivity.

One of such things is color therapy. Believe it or not the right color in the office can influence employees’ productivity.

Here are basic tips for those who decided to use color therapy as a method of boosting energy and working efficiency.


Blue is not the perfect color for your office. If you paint all the walls in your office in blue, it will keep you breathless. Be careful with this color, even if it is your favorite. Blue is perfect for making accents. You can paint one wall in blue or balace it with other colors.


Green is considered to be one of the perfect colors for office walls. It is also pairs greatly with most of the colors, doesn’t matter whether they are cool or warm. A room painted in green feels very natural, especially if wooden furniture or accessories are present there. Green color energizes and revitalizes.


If you choose brown, be ready to have a smaller office, because brown makes space feel smaller. Brown may be chosen for those offices that have lots of artwork on the walls. It makes a perfect background for them. Brown is considered to be a neutral color, that’s why it doesn’t have a lot in common with your mood. It helps bright details to stand out.


Lavender may be chosen by women for sure, but men should consider this color for the office walls also. Lavender color helps to camp your senses down and it pair greatly with yellow, white or grey. If you have lots of stress at work, lavender is great for your walls.


Red is good if the color is not intense and slightly toned down. Such kind of red is perfect for conference rooms and the rooms where lots of communication and interaction takes place.


If you are looking for real high productivity and efficiency, yellow is for you. This color is perfect for workaholics. It also pairs greatly with most of the colors. Dark accessories can be used for making it calming.

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Organization Tips That Really Work

On July 18, 2014, in Organizing tips, by admin

55-organization-tipsThere are hundreds of tips that promise to make your organization process in the office easier. Do all of them really help? Today we are glad to share real organization tips that work

  • Maximize Wall Space

You can do it by using special shelves. Also there are different kinds of furniture that help to organize your walls and rooms.

  • One organizational task every day

No matter how tired you are and no matter how desperately you want to go home, experts recommend performing one organizational task daily. You can clean your table or organize papers, delete unnecessary information on your computer, etc.

  • Mail should be opened over the recycling bin

This will help you to get rid of junk immediately.

  • Clean your cabinet like you are moving to a new office

Experts say that this idea will help to declutter your cabinet, because you will only choose those things that are really needed and important.


52-air-conditioner-filtersIt is very important to remember when your air conditioner filters should be replaced or cleaned, and at the same time it is very important to know how to clean them. Fresh and cool air is important for high working efficiency.

Remember that regular cleaning will prolong the life of air conditioners in your office. Regular cleaning is important in order to avoid accumulation of dirt, allergens and pathogens of filters. Regular cleaning is your clean and healthy environment.

Below are several steps that will help you to clean your air conditioner.

First of all, open your air conditioner. But before opening it, make sure it is turned off.

Remove air conditioner filters from the device. Inspect them and make sure they are in good condition. If you see damages on your filter, it is better to replace it.

Vacuum it. Vacuuming is needed for getting rid from dust and dirt from the inside of the conditioner.

Filters disinfection is important. Sanitize them by using usual vinegar. Pour equal portions of water and vinegar in a basin and place filters in this solution. The mixture should cover all the surfaces of the filters. Vinegar will kill all the germs and bacteria.

Leave your filters in this solution for about 4 hours. In 4 hours remove them and allow to dry. Do not rinse them. Place them on a towel and leave to dry.

Check your filters again. If they are in normal condition, fit them back in the system. You may also replace air conditioner components if needed. Enjoy fresh and clean air in your office!


Clean Workplace Is Needed

On June 10, 2014, in Office area, by admin

51-clean-workplaceIt is very important for every office to have a clean and bright workplace. But one person won’t be able to do it, it is a team work and a team effort.

First of all, all the employees should keep a kitchen clean. In our previous articles, we have already told about the rules that should be applied in a kitchen.

Employees should remember that they need not to forget to clean the dishes and cups, they need to wash them immediately. Also don’t forget to cover food with a paper towel or a splatter when they warm it up in a microwave oven.

Restroom is also an important room. It is important to remember to wipe all the marks that you have left. Flush twice, if it is really necessary. Don’t forget to wash your hands, and after washing them, use a paper towel to wipe away all the splashes on the mirror and on the counter.

A special attention should be paid to a conference room. If you brought in coffee cups or water to the meeting, check the table. It should be left clean. Sometimes it is better to ask a person to be in charge of the conference room and its’ cleanliness.

Floors in the office should be shiny and clean. Spills and dirt are easily seen on the floor and sometimes they can cause accidents. If you notice that you have left a trail of water on the floor, immediately wipe it away. Keep your floors clean and your colleagues from falling.


Office Kitchen Tips

On May 29, 2014, in Office area, by admin

50-office-kitchen-tipsEvery office is different, but usually it is very important to have rules in every of them. Especially, kitchen rules are very important.

Here are several tips and rules that will help to save peace in your office.

  • Put your name on every product that is yours. If you brought food for everyone, write down that it is for everyone.
  • Don’t even touch the food that is not yours.
  • Wash the dishes and cups after every use.
  • If you see that something is pilled, or you have spilled something, wipe it up as soon as possible.
  • It is recommended to use a special cover for the microwave.
  • You need to plan when and how often to clean a fridge.
  • If you have noticed spoiled food in a fridge, throw it away.
  • If you have drunk the last cup of coffee from a coffee pot, it is recommended making fresh coffee for others.
  • Don’t bring lots of food to the office. The place in the fridge should be divided between the workers.
  • If you add cups or dishes to the drying rank, you need to put those that are dry away. The best way to dry the dishes and cups immediately.

If all the workers follow these rules, the kitchen will be really clean and neat. Be sure that no one forgets the rules. It is recommended printing them and placing the list in the kitchen.


Non-Toxic Cleaners For Your Office

On May 23, 2014, in Green cleaning, by admin

49-nontoxic-cleanersThe choice of the eco-friendly cleaning products is getting wider and wider. There are lots of air-friendly cleaning products at the stores. But we also have the opportunity to save money and to prepare cleaners ourselves.

If you think that they do not clean well, you go wrong here. All of the natural cleaners work really well and at the same time are not so harmful and do not cause allergies.

To tell you the truth there are four basic components that will help you to prepare non-toxic cleaning solutions.

Here is the list of the most important components:

·         Baking soda can be used as an all-purpose cleaner

·         White vinegar is great for disinfecting and cleaning different surfaces, including glass

·         Borax cleans and deodorizes, it is great for cleaning toilets and bathrooms

·         Castile or glycerin-based soap is great for cleaning all kinds of surfaces

If you choose to go green at your office and to use only eco-friendly cleaners, you need to know that you will need to avoid harsh ingredients. Read labels and try to avoid toxic chemicals such as:

·         Glycol and butyl ethers – they are usually found in all-purpose cleaners

·         Terrenes which is contained in cleaners with citrus smell

·         Formaldehyde

·         Phosphates

·         Ammonia which is found in glass cleaners

These chemicals are known to cause different kinds of irritations such as eye, nose and throat irritations, headaches and nausea.

Scientific researches also show that exposure to these chemicals can damage your nervous system, liver and kidneys.

If you buy cleaners at the grocery stores try to look for those that are dye-free, perfume-free, phosphate-free, biodegradable and non toxic.

Natural Air-fresheners for Your Office

On May 16, 2014, in Odor removal, by admin

48-natural-air-freshenersHow can we avoid aerosols that are very harmful to our health? The answer is simple; you need to prepare your own air fresheners.

Make your own air-fresheners by combining equal parts lemon juice and water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it whenever is needed.

You may also use spices that you like to prepare deodorizers. You will need a sauce pan with water. Add all kinds of spices that you like and simmer them together with water.

You may simmer cinnamon, cloves, fresh ginger, and the herbs of your choice.

Mint also works great if simmered with other spices. It adds summer smell to your home.

While preparing these deodorizers, you may also add essential oils that are considered to be your favorite.

The quick way to refresh your room is to place there a cotton ball that is soaked in vanilla extract or in other essential oil.

If you have a small bowl, you may just pour a little bit of vanilla extract in it and enjoy the odor in your home.

House plants are also a great answer.

But keep in mind that not all of them smell nicely.

Here is the list of the plants that are great for every office.

·         The Boston fern (Nephrolepi exalta “Bostoniensis”)

·         florist’s mum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

·         gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

·         dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebelenii)

·         areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

·         moth orchid (Phalenopsis)

·         bamboo palm (Chamaedorea)

·         Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema)

·         English ivy (Hedera helix)

·         indoor dracaenas (Dracaena “Janet Craig,” D. marginata, D. massangeana, and D. warnekii)

·         the snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata laurentii)

Spring Cleaning for Your Office

On March 26, 2014, in Office area, by admin

43-spring-cleaningToday we are going to talk about several important tips for the office managers on how to move office workers into spring. These tips will help to increase office productivity, which is considered to be a matter of concern for many managers.
Here are several easy, but important solutions for an office spring cleaning.
Be more productive by getting more organized
Take a look on your desk. Is it cluttered? If the answer if yes, then it’s time to get rig of the unnecessary papers and knickknacks.
It is very important to have enough space for different organizers and folders. Organize all the documents and papers. Remember that there should be a system.
The next step is cleaning. Keep your office tidy, clean and germ-free. Use special cleaners and disinfectants frequently.
Experts say that a clean and healthy office may increase productivity level of your employees. Make sure that you have hand sanitizers and tissues everywhere in your office, especially in the most crowded and popular places like kitchen, restrooms, etc.
The results of the studies show that about 92% of office workers eat at their desks. It is perfect, when employees clean after themselves. In order to do that, you need to have different kinds of paper towels, cleaners and sprays.
Spring is time for redecorating of your office. Easy and cheap ideas will help you to refresh your workplace.
The best way to change your office is to paint the walls. If you have time and huge desire to change your office completely, experts recommend visiting a designer who can help you develop a project taking into consideration your needs and desires.
If you want to save money, try to work with what you already have. Instead of purchasing new things and furniture, try to update the furniture you already have.
Not only your desk and the workplace need a spring cleaning… Your computer needs it as well.
If you have resources, consider replacing old computers and laptops with new ones that will help to save space. New tablets help not only to save space, but they offer the possibilities to access needed information any time and anywhere.
If you don’t need to replace your laptop, then you need to clean it for sure. Remove any applications and folders from the desktop that you no longer use. Organize all the documents in your computer and delete those that are of no need.

How to Make a Meeting Room Comfortable?

On March 7, 2014, in Office area, by admin

41-comfortable-meeting-roomIn 2005, Microsoft Company completed a survey, which showed interesting results about personal productivity in the office. 71% of the office workers, who spend an average of six hours at the office, said that their meetings are unproductive.

What should be done to make an office meeting room comfortable and functional?

Let’s start with the most important things: Tables and chairs

It should be said that table and chairs in the meeting room is considered to be a center. Here are several tips for arranging your conference furniture.

Round tables are ideal for meetings, because every worker has equal opportunities with the others for idea contributions. Long rectangular tables are perfect for meetings where there will be people who will make the decision.

We live in the times of new technologies, and offices should also be equipped with everything needed.

This high-tech equipment will help you to increase creativity and cooperation. Your modern conference room should have a projector with a screen. If you think about saving money of course you may choose a usual board. Then it is great to have conference phones that will help you to hold conference calls

Easel pads are also important. Many office workers prefer to mark ideas on an easel and then take it back to the office and work on the ideas.

Don’t forget about a wall calendar, which will help to plan during meetings and set realistic deadlines for your projects.

Now let’s say several words about the color of the walls. Scientists say that yellow color promotes concentration; blue color promotes relaxation and agreeability. Do not use grey color, because it promotes negativity; red color promotes aggression and conflict.

The other important thing is lightning. It would be great if your conference room will have windows, because natural light keeps people awake.

And of course, keep your conference room clean. Our janitorial company will gladly help you with all the cleaning around your office. We propose best quality and affordable prices.


Organizing Your Office Environment

On February 7, 2014, in Organizing tips, by admin

37-organizing-office-environmentIt goes without saying that your working area should be comfortable and convenient for you. That is why it is your business to organize it in the best possible way.

Here are some pieces of advice that will help you to feel comfy at your workplace.

1.      Make special boxes for your mail. There should be at least two boxes. One for the received mail and the second one for the mail that should be recycled. There can be one more box where you may put letters that should be sent today.

2.      Nowadays we live in a digital world, but still we have paper documents that should be also organized. Use special files and folders to keep your paper documents in order.

3.      Keep it as simple as possible. The organization system should be very comfortable and easy for you.

4.      Recycle. This is one of the main things nowadays, keep the environment clean – recycle. Go green!

5.      Make sure your cords are in order. Sometimes all these cords may distract you and make your work impossible. Use special clips to bring them in order.

6.      Use special dividers doe your office supplies, especially if you keep them in drawers.

7.      Special memo boards. At least these boards help you not to loose sticky notes. This desk is a great visual reminder for your work.

8.      Buy a planner or a calendar. Of course, if you are a digital person, choose a digital planner, but it is impossible to remember everything, especially if you have lots of meeting and appointments. Be sure to write all the important information in it.