How to organize your office

On April 23, 2013, in Organizing tips, by admin

Does your office look like after disaster? If the answer is yes, don’t give up. Just tune yourself and perceive cleaning process as rescue operations. That’s so great that you will liberate your office from clutter, dust and other unnecessary stuff. Put your office on the path toward a clean and bright look. Don’t panic! It’s very important to stay calm while deciding what to do, from where to start.

If you’re having difficulty finding things, get rid of the things you don’t use anymore. Clear out clutter!Oftentimes cables and wires clutter the desk and the floor forming an unsightly trap for dust bunnies. Make your cables and wires invisible. Put hem into the right place.

You should concentrate on the things that clutter your office space the most. Make your office more functional. If there is any furniture in your office that bother you, move it or, if you don’t really use it, get rid of it.

What else besides your computer and phone need to be on your desk? Different multifunction units and other equipment don’t belong on your desk. Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to your old printer, fax machine, and scanner. Organize your office supplies. Clean out each desk drawer. File the documents you need to keep and put into recycle bin those things you no longer need.

Make your office a more pleasant place to be. Put a painting, print, plants, etc. Put on your desk things that make you smile – photos of your family and friends, loved ones, etc. Place the items or equipment you need the most within easy reach. Every time you’re leaving your work space, be sure that everything is put away and nothing is left out.

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The messy office. How to keep it tidy

On April 19, 2013, in Organizing tips, by admin

If your office is a total mess, don’t worry! You are not the only one dealing with clutter. We also should mention that there is no exact answer to the question “How messy is too messy of an office?” Everyone perceives cleanliness differently.

Many of employees say that their offices are fairly messy, mainly because they’re small and there is limited storage or work area. But is it a true reason? Even if clients or superiors don’t visit your office frequently, you as an employee, should keep your office space orderly and neat. Here’s how to get it under control.

During the day your desk can get a little messy. But try to keep it under control to make it possible to find anything in a few minutes. Tidy your desk at the end of the day and sometimes before you start working on a new task or project.

Everything should have its place in office. If your desk stores piles of documents that you don’t need any longer – or haven’t accessed them in a while – then get them filed. Try not to leave anything on your desk. Confidential documents cannot be left lying around. You can use horizontal and vertical file organizers and other stuff to organize the mess aroung your desk. Of course, you can keep on your desk some knick knacks and personal stuff like pictures, business cards, pen cup, etc. but you should realize that the less things are there on your desk the more tidy it looks.

It’s not difficult to keep your office spotless clean. Spotless office doesn’t mean that there should be no pictures on the walls, no papers on the desk, etc. Everything simply should be stored in its place. A perfectly clean and tidy desk does not mean you’re doing a good job. Desk cleanliness generally doesn’t correlate to the level of work. You can do a pretty great job, despite a spotless desk. Many people associate messy desk with being very busy. But clean and well organized desk still shows that you are focused on what you do and want to get the best results.

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When the spring comes most of us understand that it’s time to clean our homes. We carefully clean our windows, carpets, polish the furniture and wipe away all the dust accumulated in the facility. But only few of us realize that it’s also time to clean up our offices. Your personal workspace also should be perfectly cleaned when the spring is around the corner. So, consider this when it’s time for spring cleaning in general.

Your office, just like your home, can also take advantage of spring time rejuvenation. The quality office clean-up will definitely set the spirit for the great weather ahead. Give your office a new fresh look.

Sometimes there are so many different items in your office that you don’t know where to start. Pay attention to your files. It’s time to clear out the ones you don’t need. If you have documents over four to nine years old, it’s time to throw them away. Those files that you need should stay in the drawer. File folders also should be nice. Get rid of those old file folders and use new ones.

Now it’s time to give your desk a whole new look. Change the frames that have been on your desk for a long time. They have definitely collected a layer of dust. Wipe it away. It would be good to swab down the top of your desk with a disinfecting cleaner. Buy some colorful knick-knacks and make your desk look like a spring item.

Spring cleaning is not just a household chore. You should not complete your spring cleaning all at once. Break down the cleaning into small tasks that are easy to manage. No one likes overwhelming tasks.

Cleaning and Organizing your office space

On January 25, 2013, in Office area, by admin

If you find yourself spending more then few minutes to find an important document in your office (or even something as simple as a pencil), it may be time to clean up your office space. When you decide to organize your office, don’t do it alone – incorporate everyone in the office.

Choose one day and tell employees that this day is not a business-as-usual day, rather it’s a day to tidy up. Invite everyone to bring old clothes and their favorite cleaning supplies. Try to make cleaning an interesting experience for all incorporated.

Follow these steps for a successful clean-up.

Before you begin to clear out your office, arm yourself with the cleaning supplies. Make sure everyone in the office has what he/she needs to get organized. Go shopping for office supplies that you will need to reorganize your office area. Be sure to purchase file folders, pads, new pens and pencils, self-stick notes, cleaning solutions and garbage bags.

Prepare yourself to throw away old stuff. Cleaning out your office includes throwing some very old files and papers away. Take everything out of each shelf, drawer and file cabinet. Decide what to keep and what to toss. Save master and legal documents. Store all tax records. Throw out what you don’t need or use. Create a place for everything left. Wipe down all your drawers, cabinets and desk spaces with a wet rag.

To give your office a thorough clean-up, you will need to spend the whole day re-organizing, throwing out, wiping down, etc. If you can’t spare at least 4-5 hours to tidying your work space, leave some taks for the next day. But try to complete all the main cleaning and organizing tasks.

Make cleaning and reorganizing your office space a habit. Clean and organize your office on a regular basis. It will help you make your daily work life more efficient. Maintain order throughout your office and it will let your company start each day with a clean slate.

If you’re a business owner, you definitely look for ways of making the way you run your company better. Unproductive employees can be one of the factors that might hold you back from achieving your goal. Productivity can be influenced by a lot of factors.

That is true that in an untidy and cluttered office environment is not conducive to work and productivity. Any business should strive to maintain an office area clean and tidy. The businesses owner should make sure that the office environment is indeed clean and boosts employees’ productivity. One of the best solutions would be to hire a commercial cleaning company. There are plenty of benefits of hiring a cleaning service. Of course, hiring a cleaning service may not solve all of the business’s problems, but it is a well-aimed start.

Although office cleaning services have gained a good reputation in the market, some business owners still feel sceptical about outsourcing cleaning services. People often doubt if it is worth the money. Statistics show that hiring commercial cleaning services can greatly help your business achieve its goal. With a commercial cleaning service hired to clean up your office or business establishment, your employees will be able to focus on their job. Subsequently the productivity of the employees will rise.

The cleaning company you hire will complete all the cleaning tasks, so you won’t spend your time on such things like cluttered or messy office environment. The office area will be sanitized and well organized. You can be confident that the personnel you hire from any commercial cleaning company are well trained and are experts at what they do.

Try out hiring a commercial cleaning company and you will see what are the benefits you can get out of a commercial cleaning company. Make sure your office area is clean.

Enjoy a clean and hygienic workspace

On December 27, 2012, in Office area, by admin

There are lots of reasons why an office space should be clean and tidy and productivity is one of them. Employees should work in a clean and hygienic environment to be able to focus on their direct responsibilities. The company should find a reputable office cleaning company that has many positive reviews. Make sure the company you choose is a reputable one. This factor directly relates to the quality of work. If the company cares deeply about its reputation, it always provides the highest quality of service and dedication.

One more thing that you need to consider when you choose a company is the office cleaning services that they provide. There are many different services that a company can offer and it is up to you to decide which ones should be provided in your office. Anything from skyscraper window cleaning to floor waxing should be on the list as each business has different needs and a professional cleaning company should definitely offer them all. A cleaning staff should be highly trained in different cleaning techniques and equipment. It should be insured, bonded and background checked.

After you have chosen the company, ask for an office cleaning checklist. This checklist contains all the cleaning services that the cleaners should go through in every session. Ask them to fill in each task they perform each day so that you can track the process and progress. Then, ask them for a quote. Compare the quality of their work with their prices. Make sure not to overpay. Today, there are plenty of cleaning companies, so the prices should be compatible and attached to the quality of the tasks performed.

Having a clean office environment is priceless and employees should strive to keep it that way until the next time when the office cleaning company arrives to clean the facility.

Your office environment

On October 30, 2012, in Office area, Uncategorized, by admin

It seems that nowadays everyone understands why a clean office is a successful office. Today business owners should remember that keeping the office clean is a major benefit. When prospective clients walk through the door and enter your business they will immediately judge your company based on what they see. Are the windows and floors clean? Is there a peculiar odor emanating? Keep your office clean and you will have clients which don’t doubt your company’s credibility.

Don’t get upset if you don’t have enough time to do it yourself. There is a plenty of commercial cleaning services available in most areas. So, it won’t be a trouble to find a cleaning company that will provide you with professional cleaning services matched to your needs.

If you are a business owner and you want your employees to stay motivated and focused, hire professional cleaning services. Entrust them your facility for a few hours and enjoy the clean and productive environment. Keep your office organized and clean to keep employees happy and focused.

It’s close to impossible to work in a messy office. The clutter everywhere will definitely prevent you from really concentrating on the matter at hand.

Keep your office in a tip top shape. The following areas should be clean and well organized if you want to maintain a productive and successful work place: lobby, foyer, reception areas, restrooms(bathroom), offices/desks, and lunch room. Waste baskets should be emptied daily and all areas should be vacuumed every other day if not daily.

Keep up on appearance if you treat your business as a successful one. If you are committed to the maintenance of a clean and well organized office, it is likely that this attitude will spread throughout your company.

What an interesting office cleaning idea to incite employees to keep their office clean and tidy at all times. Below we will provide you with few creative office cleaning tips on how to maintain the office tidy and clean without any significant inconvenience.

Keeping a workplace clean is important to any company whether it receives costumers at their business premises or not. Many companies hire professional office cleaning services to clean their offices while others prefer to divide the cleaning responsibilities between their employees. In this way employees are encouraged to keep their offices sparkling clean at all times.

The best place to start introducing cleanness is employee’s workstations and desks. Every employee should be responsible for its own work space; employees should strive to keep their desks uncluttered and speckless.

It’s recommended to not allow employees to eat at their workstations. Also, it’s nice to incite employees to wash their hands every time they return from a snack specially if they went out to eat.

Unfortunately the offices that allow employees to eat at their desks tend to turn their keyboards into bacteria’s hives. Also, it’s better not to allow your employees to store food in their workstation drawers and make sure they keep them tidy and clean as well. It would be good to provide files and folders so employees can store their paper work and avoid paper clutter on their desks.

If you hire an office cleaning company make sure their cleaning specialists disinfect keyboards and phones every time they come to clean your office. In addition, make sure they use appropriate cleaning solutions, because using the wrong products may lead to damaging electrical equipment.

Implement random audits and penalties for those employees who don’t keep their workplaces organised and clean. In this way you will incite your employees to maintain their workstations clean and tidy most of the time.

Admire your clean and organized office

On July 17, 2012, in Office area, by admin

If your office is so cluttered that you don’t know where to start when it comes to cleaning, don’t get upset. We know how to help you. First of all break down the tasks into small chunks. If you don’t want to feel overwhelmed take one chunk at a time.

Dispose of your rubbish thoughtfully. Throw away everything you don’t need anymore. Get rid of outdated information and duplicate copies. Shred any papers that contain personal information. Cut your paper pile by throwing unneeded papers away. Then, sort the remaining papers into piles. Establish a filing system. After you’ve finished sorting the papers, file each pile in the appropriate file folder. This will help you keep your office organised and de-cluttered.

Buy file folders that fit in your cabinet. Also, purchase labels for that folders. But be aware that filing your papers is only half the battle. To keep your office organized and clean you should dust and vacuum it on a regular basis. Of course not every room in your office needs to be cleaned and vacuumed everyday. But still you should keep every room clean and fresh. You can choose to hire a cleaning service to maintain your office organized and cleaned. To help the cleaning service do its job well, make sure all papers, pens and pencils are put away and all the rubbish has been thrown out.

Remember that if you want to keep your office clean, keep it organized. Before you leave at the end of the day, take the last 10 minutes to organise your desk. That way you will start the next day with a clean and fresh space.

A Clean Office is a Successful Office

On June 7, 2012, in Office area, by admin

Clean office is a key to your business success. When potential clients enter your business they immediately judge your company based on what they can see around. The dirty office will prevent your clients or partners from concentrating on the matter at hand.

Keeping the office environment clean is a major benefit. Businesses should maintain a clean environment not only for their customers but for their employees as well. If you care about your employee morale keep you facility clean and organized. Statistics has shown that a clean working environment is a necessity for employees to show better productivity. If the employees know that the environment they work in is cleaned and looked after when they go home their productivity rises.

Keep your office clean and you’ll have happy clients and employees. Don’t have enough time to do it yourself? There are a lot of commercial cleaning services that provide professional and still affordable cleaning. They will help you keep your office in tip top shape. The professional stuff will make sure your windows are sparkling clean and your floor looks its best.